Customized Services
There are many clients who choose Synway's Customized Services to fulfill their own special demands to differentiate in the marketplace.Exactly matching your individualized needs, Customized voice infrastructure improves operations and cutting expenses Proactive service to avoid potential service impact Shorter support response times and repair times, less downtime. We know our products best - we have best-practice expertise & experience.Contact us here if you have any technical or business problem. Synway representative will guide you to right resources for any challenges in front of you. Welcome you!
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Synway Headquarter China Synway Building, 4028, NanHuan Rd. Bingjiang, Hangzhou, CN Tel:+86-571-88860561 Email:
Let Synway take care of all the essential professional services needed to help you deploy your VolIP network devices, as well as providing you critical services, such as 24x7x365 monitoring, alerting your staff of urgent issues, and providing necessary software and hardware support to help you resolve any issues that arise.
Designed to let customers focus on the critical aspects of business continuity requirements, Synway will take care of all on-site deployment testing services for your VoIP network devices, as well as providing dedicated client management, 24x7x365 monitoring, alerting your staff of urgent issues, providing change management, software support and options.
Our experts will develop a services package tailored to customers' needs, including management of the on-site deployment, testing and commissioning of VolP network devices, as well as providing dedicated client management, periodic performance reviews, proactive 24x7x365 monitoring and service restoration, as well as alerting your staff of urgent issues, providing change management and debugging.
Synway customized Services is a complete package of deployment services, support, software and hardware services for its products, including ongoing maintenance and monitoring, hardware replacement, as well as advanced options, such as 24-hour, on-site hardware replacements, planned configuration changes, and periodic service review. Synway's customized service is a“pay as you go" monthly service.